Conference Presentation: “Where’s the B(eef)? Bisexuality beyond stereotypes and stigma” with Celeste Pietrusza, Bi-Visibility Community Conference

September 23, 2018

Persad Center 5301 Butler Street Ste 100 Pittsburgh, PA 15201 1:00 pm-2:00 pm

Bi Visibility Day Community Conference

On-stage conversation on the history and issues in bisexuality (from 20th century to contemporary bisexuality), including:
– psychology and pathologization of bisexuality
– bisexuals and bisexuality in LGBTQ+ culture and activism
– mainstream culture and bisexual representation (including “swinger” and “threesome” representations)
– queerness and bisexuality
– gender and bisexuality (cis-gender men and women), different roles for each
– stigma and/or erasure and bisexuality
– contemporary “bisexuality” (pansexuality and omnisexuality and gender non-conformity…what is the “bi” in “bisexuality”?)